Category Archives: family

and i owe it all to you.

LL’s msn status reads “THE DECEMBER OF MY LIFE!” and I cannot agree more. Freedom tastes so sweet because you know you aren’t going to have this luxury of rubber time for a good many months to come.

To just sit around in ECP waiting for friends for 3h just because you can is pure LUXURY. So is gorging ourselves on steak sandwiches at the Morton’s bar. Sigh. I don’t want December to end!

I haven’t blogged about my birthday, I know. I had some very pleasant surprises and am totally zen about the less pleasant aspects. I’m very touched to have such awesome friends and family. I love you people. Mwaaaaah.

My mosquito bites are really shitting itchy. Mopiko is a lie.

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Filed under family, friends, haaaaappy., life

the fantastic advice dads give

After I related what D said to me on Friday:

“You should wear more short skirts. And high heels.”

(Cue Mom rolling eyes and shaking head behind him)


Filed under family

it’s the little things that make us happiest of all.

1. Dad leaving a copy of Urban on my desk, said Urban’s cover story being “Must-Have Shoes for this Season”

2. Dad offering to send me all the way down to court when I remarked that I was probably going to be ten minutes late for lecture

3. Dad peeling a pomelo and using the husk as an air freshener (WTF seriously)

4. Mom making me Caesar salad because I would probably just eat cereal otherwise (considering my total lack of time to prepare food now)

5. Mom running down to Ikea to get paper folders so I can organise the mess on my study room floor

6. Mom accompanying me on my errands


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Filed under family, haaaaappy.


I think I can perhaps understand why some people go round the twist when they have personal problems.

Cause they don’t have an awesome mother that they can confide in, one whom they can trust wholly and get good advice from.

I love my Mom.

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Filed under family

Protected: truth and lies.

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Filed under family, parents

half-exasperated, half-amused.

Dad: (for the 5th time) Chinchow is in the fridge!
Me: I told you already, I don’t really drink chinchow…
Dad: Really? And it took me TWENTY ONE YEARS to figure this out! Amazing.
-Dad goes into kitchen-
Me (to Mom): (confused) But…
Mom: You’re twenty three this year. HAHAHAHAHA.

In other news, I took too long to decide buying the Lanvin Eclat d’Arpege on Strawberrynet!! It’s now 52 USD! Up from 35 USD! WAILLLLLLL. Think I’ll wait for the next round of sales then. =.=


Filed under disgruntled mumblings, family

Protected: disney screws with my head.

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Filed under family, grey & emo


Of a different kind. Grocery shopping! I really like doing that. Particularly in BIG grocery stores like the industrial-sized Giant located in Pasir Ris. Grins. Went there with Dad today. I like grocery shopping with Dad. He always seems more relaxed in a grocery store. I dunno why. Hahaha.

Although, I was reminded of why I sometimes find it rather frustrating to talk to him over dinner in Ikea.

The conversation went thus:

Him: I don’t believe in being put in an old folks’ home. It’s like a prison.
Me: But why? Isn’t it better to have other old folks to talk to? You know I’m not going to be at home all that much on weekdays.
Him: You can’t leave. And the nurses in old folks’ homes beat the old people.
Me: (recalling the very kindly nurses I met in a home once) Huh?
Him: Ya you dunno meh? When [the elderly] don’t understand what [the nurses] are saying, [the nurses] will beat [the elderly].
Me: Where did you get that from?!
Him: Obviously what.
Me: Obvious from what? Where did you get this info from?
Him: Friends tell me.
Me: How your friends know?
Him:  The nurses tell them they beat [the elderly].
Me: The nurses tell your friend these things? Why?! Is your friend a nurse?
Him: Well. Not my friend la. Friends’ friends.
Me: Uhh so now it’s friends’ friends? How far does this chain extend?
Him: Aiyah we just know la.

To which, I roll my eyes heavenward in exasperation. Hearsay win.

But oh well he’s still my Dad. And we did have a nice chat whilst grocery-ing. :)


Filed under family, haaaaappy.

slow it down

Yesterday night was a beautifully cool and breezy one. Dad and I sat on the patio (if you could call it that? it makes my house sound enormously large and atas when it’s not HAHA) and had a lovely chat whilst sipping green tea. Topsy hobbled his way out to join us too!

These are the times I love. :)


Filed under family, haaaaappy., parents


Japan is definitely proving to be very troublesome. Or rather, HostelWorld is proving to be extremely troublesome. I would like to wring its creator by the neck. 3 of 3 accomodations booked through it have required fancy footwork on my part. UGH. Long story.

Reunion dinner today was plain dysfunctional. Well, not all of it. Just the part that I was involved with. I was too tired and headachey to do anything about No. 3’s situation. You know how when things are not OK but people just pretend that they’re OK and continue playing with nephews etc as usual?
なんとかむかつくわ。 でもわたしのかぞくに こんなことはいつものちょうしだ。

Good night world. I trust you’ll be a nicer place tomorrow.

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Filed under family, travel